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Permalink: http://nygiantsrush.com/ny-giants-defense/former-new-yor…-discusses-jpp/Edit former-new-york-giants-pro-bowler-david-diehl-discusses-jpp View Post Get Shortlink
Word count: 0   Last edited by Craig Santucci on July 30, 2015 at 8:39 am


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Published on: Jul 30, 2015 @ 08:27 Edit date and time
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WordPress SEO by Yoast


Snippet PreviewThis is a rendering of what this post might look like in Google's search results.<br/><br/>Read <a href="https://yoast.com/snippet-preview/#utm_source=wordpress-seo-metabox&utm_medium=inline-help&utm_campaign=snippet-preview">this post</a> for more info.
Former NY Giants Pro Bowler David Diehl discusses JPP nygiantsrush.com/former-ny-giants-pro-bowler-david-diehl-discusses-jpp

Former New York Giants Pro Bowler David Diehl discusses JPP and his future playing in the NFL

Pick the main keyword or keyphrase that this post/page is about.<br/><br/>Read <a href="https://yoast.com/focus-keyword/#utm_source=wordpress-seo-metabox&utm_medium=inline-help&utm_campaign=focus-keyword">this post</a> for more info.
The SEO title defaults to what is generated based on this sites title template for this posttype.

Warning: Title display in Google is limited to a fixed width, yours is too long.

The meta description is often shown as the black text under the title in a search result. For this to work it has to contain the keyword that was searched for.<br/><br/>Read <a href="https://yoast.com/snippet-preview/#utm_source=wordpress-seo-metabox&utm_medium=inline-help&utm_campaign=focus-keyword">this post</a> for more info.
The meta description will be limited to 156 chars, chars left.

Page Analysis

To update this page analysis, save as draft or update and check this tab again.

There are 105 words contained in the body copy, this is below the 300 word recommended minimum. Add more useful content on this topic for readers.
You've used this focus keyword 207 times before, it's probably a good idea to read this post on cornerstone content and improve your keyword strategy.
The slug for this page is a bit long, consider shortening it.
The images on this page do not have alt tags containing your keyword / phrase.
The meta description is under 120 characters, however up to 156 characters are available. The available space is shorter than the usual 155 characters because Google will also include the publication date in the snippet.
The page title contains keyword / phrase, but it does not appear at the beginning; try and move it to the beginning.
The copy scores 55.4 in the Flesch Reading Ease test, which is considered fairly difficult to read. Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability.
This page has 2 outbound link(s).
Keyword / keyphrase appears in 1 (out of 1) subheadings in the copy. While not a major ranking factor, this is beneficial.
The keyword density is 3.81%, which is great, the keyword was found 4 times.
The page title is more than 40 characters and less than the recommended 70 character limit.
The meta description contains the primary keyword / phrase.
The keyword appears in the first paragraph of the copy.
The keyword / phrase appears in the URL for this page.


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